Does Pagespeed Impact SERP? By Peter Bockenthien PageSpeed show you how to fix any issues that show up in Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO metrics.
Composable Content By Peter Bockenthien Break down and organize content into smaller, independent components that can be easily rearranged, combined, and reused.
Technical SEO By Peter Bockenthien Technical SEO refers to the structure of web pages that search engines need in order to create organic search results.
Enhancing Your Relationships With Healthy Food By Peter Bockenthien People always remember how your food made them feel.
AI, Creativity, and Education By Peter Bockenthien AI is knowledge. Creativity and Education are the future. Merely believing creates quantum energy that physically manifests that quantum probability. Creativity and educational institutions are creating and growing the future as AI reports it.
Global Influencers: Teaching Educators How to Grow the Future By Peter Bockenthien Teacher's Colleges are the top global influencers. Everybody remembers the teachers who shaped them into the people they are today.
Bike Marketing Ideas By Peter Bockenthien I'm never without ideas. This one came to me as I approached the doors next to a small bicycle shop with a small sign that read, “SHOP LOCAL”.
Marketing Communication Design Process By Peter Bockenthien Business Schools teach fundamental marketing functions and marketing channels, but they don't teach the Marketing Communication Design Process that results in an overall strategy that animates those activities.
Marketing 100-905 By Peter Bockenthien Everybody is trying to get you to feel, think, and thus act. Everything is truly stated but not a statement of truth. For that, you have to *think* but most people don't want to think.