Marketing 100-905

Everybody is trying to get you to feel, think, and thus act. Everything is truly stated but not a statement of truth. For that, you have to *think* but most people don't want to think.

Peter Bockenthien
Written by
Peter Bockenthien

Marketing 100-905

Everything is marketing. Everybody is trying to get you to feel, think, and thus act. Everything is truly stated but not a statement of truth. For that, you have to *think* but most people don't want to think. They just trust and verify when it should be verify then trust.

Marketing: there's always someone, some company, some entity telling you what to do. And the moment you buy into what marketing is selling you is when you stop critical thinking. Honestly, that's never been an issue for me because I was born with a gift of analysis and research. I see things from a mile way. It doesn't make me prophetic, just someone with a different perspective that's not polluted by the nuerolinguistics that marketing entails.

Marketing encompasses all forms of communication be it spoken, visual, or written. My underlying objective for every project is helping people identify their future selves today in ways that authentically connect.

Behind the rocks there are more rocks, and even more rocks behind those. Such is the nature of Joshua Tree National Park.

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